Monday 1 June 2009

Final Advert Analysis

We were given a brief which told us we had to film two different adverts, one in studio and one outside studio. The adverts had to be either a film genre or classic film. My group filmed a James Bond themed advert called “In it to win it” and the other was a romantic comedy called “The love of your life.” Both adverts were filmed and edited in the time given. I found that both adverts were conformed to the brief except “In it to win it” was a couple of seconds to long.

The strengths of “In it to win it” were that we had good shots and we had a good story line also we got some good shots of shuffling and a card trick. The weaknesses of the advert were that the sound quality of the voices may be a bit quiet and that there wasn’t a tag on the coke bottle. The mise-en-scene of the advert is good because it was in a dark room but when we turned up the lights it gave it a really good effect. The sound is good because just as we introduce the characters of the advert in a lock stock style the music kicks in. I think there is minimal movement so this made the advert a lot better.
The strengths of “The only love of your life” we had a good story line and it was quite a simple advert to film. The weaknesses of the advert were that the sound quality of the voices may be a bit quiet and that there wasn’t a tag on the coke bottle. The mise-en-scene of the advert is good because it outside so we didn’t need to use lighting because it was a sunny day. The sound is okay because there is a romantic song but I think it is a bit to cheesy. I think there is quite a bit of movement which makes me think that the advert wasn’t as good as it could be.

Love Of Your Life

When shooting this advert we had allot of bad luck, our first bit of bad luck was when we originally wanted to shoot the advert and as we stepped outside it started to rain. The next week it was a nice hot day so we went outside and got our actors. Shooting the advert after finding our actors went very well and smoothly. We filmed it in two shots. My role was to make sure the actors were in the right positions and looking at the right thing at the right time. The filming worked well but the sound wasn’t too good and was hard to edit.

Our editing didn’t go to well because there was always at least one member of our group ill. On the last lesson we were all in and we pulled it all together. The whole advert is now complete and I have learnt how to edit properly without any gaps. Also I can use the Mac Pro’s properly for setting the scratch disk, capturing video along with other things.

Tuesday 17 March 2009


This advert is very weird and funny at the same time. Its effective because it catches you off- gaurd with it's randomness and creepyness. The CGI is very effective, so much so that you might think the things they do are real.


This advert may have been banned but it is still one of the funniest commercials of all television history. The punchline shocks and sends a clear message without even touching on the subject.

Horse Wave Surfer

This Advert is very imaginitive and really makes an impact on the watcher just because its so surreal. The voice-over is very intense and sounds really poetic. The slogan is "the best things come to those who wait" and its one of the most famous beer adverts of all time.

Monday 16 March 2009

Nike: Take it to the next level

This advert, like many other football commercials shows the best players in the game showing off thier skills, but this time the veiw is first person.

Tuesday 24 February 2009

Audi Q5

i think that this advevrt is effective because of the way they use a child like drawring to make a really sophiscated car.

It is really catchy to me because youdont know what the is going to happen or what is being created until further into the commercial where you geta glimps of the car as it is being assembled.

Xbox 360 advert

I think this advert is effective because it shows that everybody is
Involved like one big community. This advert was even
Banned because it supposedly supports violence but millions of
People have still flocked to youtube to watch it over and over
Again. The target audience is mostly 15 to 20.

Guinness Advert

This advert is quite catchy because you don’t know what the advert is about but just watching all props fall down just like giant dominos is quite mesmerizing. Nearing the end of the advert you get to see a tall pile of books stacked up in the shape of a glass and then all the pages flipping like a drink being poured into a cup.

Then at the end of the advert you see the giant glass and the Guinness sign on the books you know what is about.

Halifax Advert

This is advert is really good because it shows us all the great rates and offers that the company has to offer if u you get involved with them. I really think this advert is aimed at new young people looking for a first bank and for people looking for a new bank.

This advert does show what the company is and what they are trying to do with their customers but that is good for this type of advert because then you know what they are talking about and what they do. It is also really catchy because most adverts the people just stand around and talk in this advert they are singing and dancing.

Final Idea 2 : Rom Com

Name of product: Classic Cola/Classic Coke
Target audience: Our target audience is children, teenagera and young adults.
Synopsis: The scene is set in the park as a boy and a girl sit down, laughing and enjoying each others company.The boy leans forward to kiss the girl but she pushes him away and says "I'm sorry but there's only one love in my life. Coke Classic"
The Only Love You Need
Concept (i.e. what classic film/genre are you referencing?): Romantic Comedy
Props/costumes: Rug, Picnic basket/ice cooler, Classic cola bottle, coke to fill bottle, crisps & 2 sandwichs
Human resources: 2 actors
Technical resources: camera and tripod

Cadbury Gorilla Advert

The advert is really good because it doesn’t show you what the product is right away. The advert is very eye catchy because its not everyday you see a gorilla playing a set of drums. The good thing about this advert is that they do advertise the company’s main colours such as Purple and White.

I think that this advert is not aimed at a specific age group because everyone loves Cadburys chocolate young and old and that the advert is amusing towards many people of different age ranges.

Final Idea 1 : James Bond

Name of product: Classic Cola/Classic Coke
Target audience: Our target audience is children, teenagera and young adults.
Synopsis: There are 3 people sitting at a table playing poker and they are betting all there chips because they are so confident about the hands they have. All of the players run out of chips so the first player bets the keys to his brand new sports car, the second player bets the keys to his new mansion and the final player (James Bond) bets is classic cola. Player 2 says to Player 1 "he is bluffing." James Bond then wins with a great hand of cards and wins it all.
Concept (i.e. what classic film/genre are you referencing?): James Bond / Spy
Props/costumes: table, poker chips, playing cards, 3 chairs, Martini glass, classic cola bottle, coke to fill classic cola bottle, set of house keys & car keys.
Human resources: 4 actors
Technical resources: lighting, camera and tripod

Monday 23 February 2009

My Advert Analysis

Advert 1 - YOP

1.The advert starts with the product in a fridge; this is a good start because you automatically know what the advert is for. The fridge also has other products that are produced by the same company e.g. there is Petit Filous. When you see the first boy as he sings his words his actions are the same. We then see somebody else also singing then as she says ‘‘I want a yoghurt drink’’ you see the drink pouring out into a cup. The advert continues to show what a typical teenager does in the morning but the whole time they are sleeping. At the end the boy is sitting in front of the product but is still asleep until his mum says in a deep voice, ‘‘YOP for when the morning comes’’ also at what the mum says comes up on the screen but as the boy moves the yogurt the bottle takes the place of part of the writing.

2.They target there audience very well because it is an advert aimed at teenagers so they have teenagers in the advert. This advert would make a mark on teenagers because they would be like oh my god that is so like me in the morning. I think that the product would sell well because of the way they have targeted the audience.

Advert 2 - DFS

1.The advert starts with one of the products that dfs sell; this is a good start because you automatically know what the advert is for. The sofas and scene are always changing. They say “D is for double savings” this is good because they are using the company name to advertise savings and sales. We then see some people at a party going to sit on a sofa and as the man ends his speaking he says “Lets go over that again” and it rewinds. The advert goes again from the begging but instead of showing the same sofas they show other sofas in the sale. At the end you see a quick flick through some of the sofas on sates and the man say “winter double savings ends Monday 5 pm”.
2.They target there audience very well because it is an advert aimed at adults who want to save money just before Christmas. This advert would make a mark on these people because they would that they are good savings and because the man says ends Monday it makes them hurry. I think that the product would not sell well because all do they are promoting sales people will not just get rid of there sofas because there is a sale.

(i couldn't find the video for this on youtube but when i find it i will update this blog)

Advert 3 - Met. Police 'ridiculous' advert

1. The advert starts with a boy looking at himself in the mirror, you then see him walk out of his door and step onto the street, as he steps onto the street path you see him dressed in the most ridiculous clothes; this is a good start because you automatically get the feeling the advert is going to show somebody up. you see some people in a class and they all look back at the boy wearing the stupid clothes. They then show you the boys day, he is acting normal asif he isnt wearing the clothes but thats not how every one sees them. We then see some people at a party and then you see the boy talking to another boy. you then see the boy wearing the ridiculous clothes handing over a knife and you then see the boy he hands a knife to in ridiculous clothes. the screen then goes black and it says ''carrying a knife is not a good look''
2. the target audience is aimed at all teenagers who are thinking about knife crime. I think the advert is effective but will not stop everybody carrying a knife.

Advert 4 - Cadburys Gorilla Advert

This advert is for cadburys chocolate. The advert is good because it doesn't give to much away to quickly. there is the purple background for the colour of the rapper but all you can hear is the music. all of a sudden you see the gorilla play the drums.
This advert is targeted at people who enjoy chocolate and comedy.

Advert 5 - Adidas Advert 'impossible is nothing'

this advert is about when the worlds biggest players go to football teams and train with them. you see players such as david beckham talking with children. You also see top manager jose maruinho.
This advert is targeted at young people who enjoy football.

Tuesday 17 February 2009

our 4 Ideas

Idea 1
there are 3 people in a race. two of the people are well ahead of the other person but then the person at the back sees the classic cola just past the finish line so he runs really fast towards it. he runs straight past everyone and wins the race. you then see him get his gold medal and drink the bottle of classic.


Idea 2
There are 3 people sitting at a table playing poker and they are betting all there chips because they are so confident about the hands they have. All of the players run out of chips so the first player bets the keys to his brand new sports car, the second player bets the keys to his new mansion and the final player (James Bond) bets is classic cola. Player 2 says to Player 1 "he is bluffing." James Bond then wins with a great hand of cards and wins it all.

Idea 3
There are two men standing opposite each other staring into each others eyes with hatred and anger. just before they start to pull the trigger in their guns one of the two men shouts out "WAIT", i really think this the wrong, lets settle this like men.

they both put down their guns and pull out a bottle of CLASSIC from their gun holsters and then after opening the bottles they down it as quick as possible.

The slogan that comes up on the screen after the advert is


Idea 4
The scene is set in the park as a boy and a girl sit down, laughing and enjoying each others company.The boy leans forward to kiss the girl but she pushes him away and says "I'm sorry but there's only one love in my life. Coke Classic"