Monday 23 February 2009

My Advert Analysis

Advert 1 - YOP

1.The advert starts with the product in a fridge; this is a good start because you automatically know what the advert is for. The fridge also has other products that are produced by the same company e.g. there is Petit Filous. When you see the first boy as he sings his words his actions are the same. We then see somebody else also singing then as she says ‘‘I want a yoghurt drink’’ you see the drink pouring out into a cup. The advert continues to show what a typical teenager does in the morning but the whole time they are sleeping. At the end the boy is sitting in front of the product but is still asleep until his mum says in a deep voice, ‘‘YOP for when the morning comes’’ also at what the mum says comes up on the screen but as the boy moves the yogurt the bottle takes the place of part of the writing.

2.They target there audience very well because it is an advert aimed at teenagers so they have teenagers in the advert. This advert would make a mark on teenagers because they would be like oh my god that is so like me in the morning. I think that the product would sell well because of the way they have targeted the audience.

Advert 2 - DFS

1.The advert starts with one of the products that dfs sell; this is a good start because you automatically know what the advert is for. The sofas and scene are always changing. They say “D is for double savings” this is good because they are using the company name to advertise savings and sales. We then see some people at a party going to sit on a sofa and as the man ends his speaking he says “Lets go over that again” and it rewinds. The advert goes again from the begging but instead of showing the same sofas they show other sofas in the sale. At the end you see a quick flick through some of the sofas on sates and the man say “winter double savings ends Monday 5 pm”.
2.They target there audience very well because it is an advert aimed at adults who want to save money just before Christmas. This advert would make a mark on these people because they would that they are good savings and because the man says ends Monday it makes them hurry. I think that the product would not sell well because all do they are promoting sales people will not just get rid of there sofas because there is a sale.

(i couldn't find the video for this on youtube but when i find it i will update this blog)

Advert 3 - Met. Police 'ridiculous' advert

1. The advert starts with a boy looking at himself in the mirror, you then see him walk out of his door and step onto the street, as he steps onto the street path you see him dressed in the most ridiculous clothes; this is a good start because you automatically get the feeling the advert is going to show somebody up. you see some people in a class and they all look back at the boy wearing the stupid clothes. They then show you the boys day, he is acting normal asif he isnt wearing the clothes but thats not how every one sees them. We then see some people at a party and then you see the boy talking to another boy. you then see the boy wearing the ridiculous clothes handing over a knife and you then see the boy he hands a knife to in ridiculous clothes. the screen then goes black and it says ''carrying a knife is not a good look''
2. the target audience is aimed at all teenagers who are thinking about knife crime. I think the advert is effective but will not stop everybody carrying a knife.

Advert 4 - Cadburys Gorilla Advert

This advert is for cadburys chocolate. The advert is good because it doesn't give to much away to quickly. there is the purple background for the colour of the rapper but all you can hear is the music. all of a sudden you see the gorilla play the drums.
This advert is targeted at people who enjoy chocolate and comedy.

Advert 5 - Adidas Advert 'impossible is nothing'

this advert is about when the worlds biggest players go to football teams and train with them. you see players such as david beckham talking with children. You also see top manager jose maruinho.
This advert is targeted at young people who enjoy football.

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