Monday 1 June 2009

Final Advert Analysis

We were given a brief which told us we had to film two different adverts, one in studio and one outside studio. The adverts had to be either a film genre or classic film. My group filmed a James Bond themed advert called “In it to win it” and the other was a romantic comedy called “The love of your life.” Both adverts were filmed and edited in the time given. I found that both adverts were conformed to the brief except “In it to win it” was a couple of seconds to long.

The strengths of “In it to win it” were that we had good shots and we had a good story line also we got some good shots of shuffling and a card trick. The weaknesses of the advert were that the sound quality of the voices may be a bit quiet and that there wasn’t a tag on the coke bottle. The mise-en-scene of the advert is good because it was in a dark room but when we turned up the lights it gave it a really good effect. The sound is good because just as we introduce the characters of the advert in a lock stock style the music kicks in. I think there is minimal movement so this made the advert a lot better.
The strengths of “The only love of your life” we had a good story line and it was quite a simple advert to film. The weaknesses of the advert were that the sound quality of the voices may be a bit quiet and that there wasn’t a tag on the coke bottle. The mise-en-scene of the advert is good because it outside so we didn’t need to use lighting because it was a sunny day. The sound is okay because there is a romantic song but I think it is a bit to cheesy. I think there is quite a bit of movement which makes me think that the advert wasn’t as good as it could be.

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