Monday 1 June 2009

Final Advert Analysis

We were given a brief which told us we had to film two different adverts, one in studio and one outside studio. The adverts had to be either a film genre or classic film. My group filmed a James Bond themed advert called “In it to win it” and the other was a romantic comedy called “The love of your life.” Both adverts were filmed and edited in the time given. I found that both adverts were conformed to the brief except “In it to win it” was a couple of seconds to long.

The strengths of “In it to win it” were that we had good shots and we had a good story line also we got some good shots of shuffling and a card trick. The weaknesses of the advert were that the sound quality of the voices may be a bit quiet and that there wasn’t a tag on the coke bottle. The mise-en-scene of the advert is good because it was in a dark room but when we turned up the lights it gave it a really good effect. The sound is good because just as we introduce the characters of the advert in a lock stock style the music kicks in. I think there is minimal movement so this made the advert a lot better.
The strengths of “The only love of your life” we had a good story line and it was quite a simple advert to film. The weaknesses of the advert were that the sound quality of the voices may be a bit quiet and that there wasn’t a tag on the coke bottle. The mise-en-scene of the advert is good because it outside so we didn’t need to use lighting because it was a sunny day. The sound is okay because there is a romantic song but I think it is a bit to cheesy. I think there is quite a bit of movement which makes me think that the advert wasn’t as good as it could be.

Love Of Your Life

When shooting this advert we had allot of bad luck, our first bit of bad luck was when we originally wanted to shoot the advert and as we stepped outside it started to rain. The next week it was a nice hot day so we went outside and got our actors. Shooting the advert after finding our actors went very well and smoothly. We filmed it in two shots. My role was to make sure the actors were in the right positions and looking at the right thing at the right time. The filming worked well but the sound wasn’t too good and was hard to edit.

Our editing didn’t go to well because there was always at least one member of our group ill. On the last lesson we were all in and we pulled it all together. The whole advert is now complete and I have learnt how to edit properly without any gaps. Also I can use the Mac Pro’s properly for setting the scratch disk, capturing video along with other things.